Reliance Industries Ltd. : Profile |
- On 8th May the company was incorporated in Karnataka state as a public limited company under the name Mynylon Ltd. to manufacture synthetic blended yarns and fabrics, polyester filament yarn, polyester glass shells and colour TV picture tubes.
- On 28th June this company was converted into a public limited company.
- On 11th February 1966 a company by name of Reliance Textiles Industries Pvt Ltd was incorporated in
- On 1st July, Reliance Textile Industries Ltd, was amalgamated with Mynylon Ltd.
- With effect from 11th March 1st the name of Mynylon Ltd was changed to Reliance Textiles Industries Ltd. The company manufactures synthetic blended yarns and fabrics polyester filament yarn polyester staple fibre chemicals and allied products colour TV glass shells and colour TV picture tubes. The Company's yarns are marketed under various brand names such as Texalit, Textron, Texlene, Poly dyed and polytwist. The company's fabrics are marketed under the brand name "VIMAL".
- On November Dhirajlal H Ambani and Natvarlal H Ambani along with some other existing shareholders offered for sale at par to the public. 28,20,000 equity shares of the Company in order to get the shares of the company listed on the stock Exchange at Mumbai.
- During the year Sidhpur Mills Co. Ltd which has an installed capacity of 38,368 spindles and 490 looms was amalgamated with the company. In terms of the scheme of amalgamation, the company was to issue and allot for every one equity share of Rs. 100 each of Sidhpur, 2 equity shares of Rs.10 each and one bond of Rs.80 of the company.
- The Company allotted a total of 1,12,000 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each and 35,000 - 11% bonds of Rs 80 each to the shareholders of Sidhpur Mills.
- Company was set up Polyestr Filament Yarn Plant at Patalganga in Raigad district of Maharashtra with the financial and technical collaboration with E.I Du Pont De Nemours & Co; USA.
- The Company received a letter to intent from the manufacture of 10,000 tonnes per annum of polyester filament yarn. Financial and technical collaboration was finalized with E.I. Du Pont De Nemours & Co.,
- 5,50,000 - 13.5% Pref. shares issued as Rights to equity share holders. 19,20,000 equity shares issued to debentureholders (Series III) as per the terms of that issue. 815 No. of equity shares allotted out of the Rights issue of 1981.
- 111,56,741 Bonus Equity shares issued in propn. 3:5. 64,00,000 No. of Equity shares of Rs 10 each issued in part conversion of debs. (iv series) on 30.9.1983. Of these, 24,00,000 shares issued as additional entitlement to debentureholders (iv series) on account of bonus issue.
- 101,24,675 No. of Equity shares allotted conversion of non-convertible portion of debentures of Series I, II, III and IV of the total value of Rs 7231.92 lakhs in prop. 1:4. Equity shares of Rs 10 each for every Rs 100 of debentures (100,28,359 shares in 1984 and 96,316 shares in 1985). 53,33,333 No. of equity shares issued (prem. Rs 40 per share) on part conversion of `E' Series debentures as on 30.4.1985. Rate of dividend on 13.5% pref. shares increased to 15% effective from 16.5.1984.
- A letters of intent were received for the manufacture of 50,000 tonnes per annum of high density polyethylene (HDPE) and 1,00,000 tonnes per annum of poly vinyl chloride (PVC). Technical collaboration agreements were signed with Du Pont for HDPE and with B.F. Goodrich & Co., for PVC. Steps were also taken to set up a project for the manufacture of mono ethylene glycol (MEG), a basic raw material required for the polyester industry. A Collaboration agreement was entered into with Scientific Design company,
- The Company installed an additional capacity of 15,125 tonnes per annum of polyester yarn.
- With effect from 1st October the running business of the Sidhapur unit was taken over by Devti Fabrics Ltd, is a subsidiary of the company.
- The name of the company was again changed from Reliance Textiles Industries Ltd to Reliance Industries Ltd with effect from 27th June.
- On 30th September Devti Fibres Ltd became a subsidiary of the company. Trishna Investments and Leasing Ltd., Reliance Industrial Investments & Holdings Ltd., Reliance Petroproducts Ltd. also subsidiaries of the Company.
- Steps were in progress for implementing a project for the manufacture of purified terepthalic acid with a capacity of 75,000 tonnes per annum in technical collaboration with Imperial Chemical Industries UK and UOP Processes International Inc. USA. This plant was commissioned during the year.
- On March a plant for the manufacture of Polyster Staple Fibre was commissioned in technical collaboration with F.I DU Pont De Nemours and Co.
- During the same year company set up a project for the manufacture of linear alkyl benzene in technical collaboration with UOP Processes International Inc. USA.
- As a measure of diversification the company undertook to set up a project for the manufacture of 50,000 tonnes per annum of linear alkyl the manufacture of 50,000 benzene in technical collaboration with UOP Processes International Inc.,
- Three letters of intent were converted into industrial licenses. Subsequent to 30th June, all these industrial licenses were transferred to Reliance Petrochemicals, Ltd., a company incorporated as a subsidiary of the company.
- 689,65,480 No. of Equity shares allotted (prem. Rs 62.50 per shares) in conversion of `G' series debs. Out of which 660,30,100 shares allotted in respect of earlier conversion of debs. 300,00,000 Rights shares than issued (prem. Rs 50 per share; prop. 1:4) (all were taken up 14,60,000 additional shares were allotted to retain over-subscription for rights. Along with the Rights issue, 14,00,000 No. of Equity shares were offered to employees at a prem. off Rs 50 per share (under Employees Stock Option Scheme) but only 1,11,695 shares taken up. The balance 12,88,305 shares allowed to lapse.
- Linear Alkyl Benzene Project was commission on the second quarter of the year. LAB is sold under the brand name "Relab".
- During the year approval was received under the board branding scheme for the manufacture of 15,000 tonnes per annum of PFY under the description PSF/PFY with in the licensed capacity PSF.
- During the year pursuant to the policy announced by Govt. regarding minimum economic scale, the company embarked upon expansion of PTA capacity from 1,00,000 tonnes to 2,00,000 tonnes per annum. The project is being undertaken in technical collaboration with John Brown Engineers & Constructors Ltd.
- During the year the company entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation Ltd. for setting up a joint sector project for the manufacture of 15,000 tonnes per annum of polyester filament yarn. In December a joint sector agreement was entered into for setting up a new company under the name Reliance Bengal Industries Ltd.
-The technical collaborator for PFY and PSF was
- A technical collaboration agreement for 10 years was entered into with Stone And Webster Engineering Corporation
- In Series - `H' Debentures, 304,00,000 - 12.5% secured redeemable partly convertible debentures of Rs 150 each offered on Rights basis in the proportion 1 debenture: 5 equity shares held. Additional 45,60,000 debentures were allotted to retain over subscription. 15,20,000 debentures were offered to employees' on an equitable basis. Only 15,00,000 debentures taken up. The unsubscribed portion of 20,000 debentures were allowed to lapse. Rs 55 of the face value of each debenture was to be converted into 1 equity shares of Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 45 per share at the end of 18 months from the date of allotment. Remaining Rs 95 of the face value of each debenture was to be redeemed at par on the expiry of 10 years from the date of allotment.
- In Series - `J' Debentures 76,00,000 - 14% secured redeemable non-convertivle debentures of Rs 150 aggregating to Rs 114 crores attached with a detachable warrant, to the equity shareholders on rights basis in the proportion of one debenture for every 20 equity shares held. Additional 11,40,000 debentures were allotted to retain over subscription. The debentures of Rs 150 would be redeemed on the expiry of 10 years from the date of allotment.
- In Series - `K' Debentures 265,50,000 - 17.5% Secured redeemable non-convertible debentures of Rs 100 aggregating Rs 265.50 crores to the equity shareholdes on Rights basis in the proportion of 1 debenture for every 6 equity shares held. These debentures would be redeemed on the expiry of 10 years from the date of allotment.
In 1991-92, RIL commissioned a petrochemicals unit to manufacture HDPE and PVC at Hazira,
- With effect from 1st March Reliance Petrochemicals Ltd. was merged with the
- The PFY unit introduced a wide range of value added products including textured, twisted, high twisted dyed yarn. Approvals were received from the Government towards acquisition of 2 Suez-Max crude oil tankers.
- The Company proposed to set up a project for the manufacture of 70,000 TPA of polyester yarn and 30,000 TPA of bottle grade PET chips in Hazira.
- 13% Pref. shares fully paid-up. 183,99,935 No. of Equity shares allotted till date as again 92,00,000 Global depository shares 749,40,440 No. of Equity shares allotted shareholders of erstwhile Reliance Petroleum Ltd., under Scheme of Amalgamation.
- The PFY division introduced two new products viz., Micro and multi-filament yearn. Several new and customized product range was introduced such as ultra-stabilized raffia grade, high flow injection moulding grade and high ESCR blow moulding grade.
- On May 27 the company offered 92,00,000 GDS representing 184,00,000 shares.
- The company undertook to expand the captive power capacity at Hazira as well as set up new captive power plants at Naroda and patalganga. On completion of these project, an addition of 150 MW of power was to be added, increasing the total installed captive power plant capacity to 350 MW.
- The Company proposed to set up a caustic chlorine plant with a capacity of 1,98,000 TPA of chlorine, 2,34,000 TPA Caustic Soda plant at Hazira for manufacture of ethylene di-chloride (EDC).
- The Company was awarded the medium sized discovered oil and gas fields for exploration and production.
- 364,60,000 No. of Equity shares allotted on part conversion of `H' Series debenture 100,05,586 No. of equity shares allotted again warrants issued. 3,16,667 shares allotted to SCICI on conversion of loans 103,16,027 shares allotted underlying. 127,66,000 GDS issued on 15.2.94 of which 81,66,571 shares yet to be allotted.
1994 - Company issued 60,00,000 - 18% non convertible secured redeemable debentures of Rs.100 each on private placement basis with financial institutions.
- A new product Octene LLDPE was introduced.
- The Company undertook steps to de-bottlenecking its existing facilities and modernize the Control and Automation system. It was also proposed to set up a 5,000 TPA of FDY plant plant at Patalganga. In the fibre intermediate business, the Company undertook to set up a World Size PTA plant of 3,50,000 TPA at Hazira. A new plant to produce 1,20,000 TPA of MEG was to be set up adjacent to its existing capacity. It also proposed to increase the polyvinyl chloride capacity to 30,000 TPA.
- The Company signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Assam for implementation of RAPL for manufacture of 3,00,000 TPA of ethylene, 3,00,000 TPA of Polyethylene and 65,000 TPA of Oxoalchols based on ethylene and propylene products from the gas cracker.
- On January the company issued 82,50,000 14% secured redeemable non convertible debentures of Rs.100 each on a private placement basis with financial institutions, banks/bodies corporate.
- On 23rd January, the Company allotted 600,00,000 - 14% Secured redeemable non-Convertible debentures with detachable Warrants of Rs. 12.50 each.
- During the year company commissioned a new Triethylene Glycol manufacturing factory with a capacity of 10,000 TPA to add value to Diethylene Glycol (DEG), a by product from its Monoethylene Glucol plant. TEG is an import substitute used in oil exploration, lubricants and speciality application.
- During the year company has an unincorporated joint venture with Enron & ONGC to develop Pann, Mukta and Tapti fields.
- During June, the Company allotted 995,75,915 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each to the erstwhile shareholders of Reliance Polypropylene Ltd. (RPPL) and Reliance Polyethylene Ltd. (RPEL) in the ratio of 30 equity shares of Rs 10 each for every 100 equity shares of Rs 10 each held in RPPL and 25 equity shares of Rs. 10 each of the Company for every 100 equity shares of Rs 10 each held in RPPL.
- During the year company signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Govt. of Assam for implementation of RAPL (Reliance Assam Petrochemicals Ltd.) for manufacture of 3,00,000 TPA of ethylene, 3,00,000 TPA of Polyethylene and 65,000 TPA of Oxoalchol based on ethylene and propylene products from the gas cracker.
- Reliance Industries Ltd.(RIL), has tied up with United Oil processing Company of the
- In 1995-96, it entered the telecom industry through a joint venture with
- The company commissioned 3,50,000 tpa PTA Plant.
- Reliance Telecom has struck a deal with US-based telecommunications giant Motorola to set up the cellular network in the secured circles. A letter of intent had been singed by both the companies in October.
- During the year
- During the year
- During the year company commissioned the largest multified carbon plant to produce 7,50,000 tpa of ethylene, 365,000 tpa of propylene and over 10,00,000 tpa of anomatics and other products.
- During the year company constructed a cost effective infrastructure commissioning of 1 single point mooring system, 3 jetties. It has 1 ocean going tanker, 4 ocean going vessels for liquefied gases and 5 tugs. The expansion is resigned to handle Ethylene, Propylene, EDC, VCM, LPG, Butenes, MEG, PXBZ & Naphtha.
- During the same year company undertook to implement 3 independent power projects in separate entities with a total power generating capacity of 1331 MW at Patalganga, Bawana,
- 15% Pref. shares redeemed. 7,908 shares out of these meant for amalgamation issued. 14% Pref. CR redeemed.
- During the period Reliance Industries Limited, is to tie-up with Nynex Corporation to jointly bid for the licenses to operate basic and cellular telecom networks throughout
- Reliance Industries Ltd., has tied up with the $ 16-billion Baby Bell telecom company from the
- The company was awarded four separate exploration blocks.
- Enron Oil Gas, the joint venture partner and operator presented a proposal to Tapti Consortium participants seeking approval of a new development plant for Tapti gas fields by which the volumes could reach 17 million standard cubic meters during 2000 if the plan was approved.
- During the year
- The company commissioned a new 3,50,000 tpa PTA manufacturing facility based on
- The Company proposed to set up two more plants one PP plant with capacity of 4,00,000 tpa and these paraxylene plants with an aggregate capacity of 1.4 million tpa.
- Company has set up a refinery at village Motikhvdi, Gujarat under the name Reliance Petroleum Ltd. Reliance along with its subsidiary Reliance Industrial Investments & Holdings Ltd. hold 39% of the paid up equity capital of Reliance Petroleum on a fully deluted basis.
- Reliance undertook to make significant investments in Reliance Petroleum Ltd., for setting up of the grass root refinery at
- 46,60,90,452 bonus equity shares allotted 7289149 No. of equity shares allotted at conversion of debentures and reissue of forfeited shares.
- Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL) has successfully commissioned its third 30,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) polyester filament yarn (PFY) plant at Hazira in
- Bharti Telenet and Reliance were awarded letters of intent for Madhya Pradesh and
- Reliance Industries will commission the world's largest grass-root single-stream multi-feed cracker plant.
- The Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL) has achieved the distinction of becoming the first company in the country to undertake security audit in the interest of its investors.
- Reliance Industries Limited has commissioned its second Mono Ethylene Glycol plant based on Shell process, with a capacity of 120,000 tonnes per annum, at its Hazira Petrochemicals Complex.
- The National Securities Depository Ltd. (NSDL) and Reliance Industries Ltd. are embarking on a joint marketing effort to issue RIL bonus shares in the demat form.
- RIL was one of the first companies to join the depository and by issuing bonus shares through the demat form, investors will be assured of clean securities.
- Around 57 lakh euro-convertible bonds of Reliance Industries Ltd. were converted into equity shares ahead of the book-closure for the 1:1 bonus issue on November 29.
- Reliance Industries Ltd. has bagged the National Energy Conservation Award, 1997 in the petrochemical sector. The petrochemicals giant has won the special prize for the fourth consecutive year.
- For the first time Reliance Industries is entering the health-care sector with an initial investment of Rs.100 crore. It has become joint trustees of
- Reliance Industries,
- Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) founder and chairman Dhirubhai Ambani was awarded the prestigious the Dean's medal by the Wharton school (University of Pennsylvania) at a glittering ceremony in Mumbai on 15th June.
- Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) has won the runner up award in the Best emerging market company investor relations category for 1998 instituted by
- Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) has struck an understanding with the
- RIL had entered into a 50:50 joint venture with Hoechst Fibres (a part of Hoechst AG,
- The Chennai High Court has declined to interfere with the award of the Rs 15,000-crore private power project at Jayamkondam in Tamil Nadu to Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) by the State Industrial Development Corporation (TIDCO).
- 65,00,000 Red. Pref. shares of Rs. 100 each issued.
- The Company undertook the commissioning of its
- Reliance Industries Ltd, is currently setting up a Rs 5,550 crores petrochemical complex at
- The un-incorporated joint venture between Reliance Industries, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) and the US-based multinational Enron Oil and Gas has submitted a proposal with the union petroleum ministry for a four-fold increase in its gas production from five million tonnes a day to 22 million tonnes a day.
- Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL),
- Once again Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) is in the international limelight. RIL been named as one of the World's 100 best-managed companies for the year 1999 by Industry Week (IW), a leading
- During 1999-2000, the company completed its integrated
- Reliance has been ranked the second largest producer of POY and PSF in the world, and the largest polyester manufacturer in
- Reliance is setting up a new venture for e-commerce related services and has roped in National Stock Exchange's head of market operations, derivatives, IPO and membership Ashishkumar Chauhan for piloting the new project.
- Reliance Industries Ltd to sign PSCs for exploration blocks in West Coast.
- Reliance Industries Ltd. to buy back shares up to Rs.1,100 crore at Rs.303.
- The US-based Eastman Chemical Company signed MoU with Reliance Industries, to develop the market for Spectar copolymer and Eastar PETG copolyester in
- Reliance and
- The Company has informed that, Reliance Power Ventures Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of the company, propose to acquire an aggregate of 2,75,45,133 fully paid equity shares of BSES of face value of Rs. 10/- each at a price of Rs. 234/- per fully paid-up equity share.
- Reliance Power Ventures, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Reliance Industries.
- Reliance Industries' internet service brand "Only Smart" was launched in
- The Karnataka Government and Reliance Industries have set in motion a joint venture in e-governance to start 7,500 info kiosks all over the State.
- The Company has acquired 100 acres at Patalganga to set up the proposed 447 mw power project.
- Reliance Industries Ltd. and Jet Airways have signed an agreement in principle to work together on planned airport privatisation projects.
- Issue of equity linked warrants under Employees Stock Option Plan.
- Reliance Industries Ltd to set up a world-class Indian
- Reliance Industries Ltd. is set to consolidate the financials' of BSES Ltd. under its own income statement from the second quarter of this fiscal.
- The board has issued 5,26,87,851 equity-linked warrants under the ESOP in accordance with the resolutions passed at the company's 26th AGM.
- Reliance Industries Ltd is the first private sector Indian company to find a place in the Forbes' International list of the 800 largest non-US companies, published in the current edition of the magazine.
- The Company has been selected as one of the "World's 100 best-managed companies" for the Year 2000.
- Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) has topped in mobilisation through debt private placements during the first quarter of the current fiscal.
- The Company executive director Nikhil R Meswani has been elected as president of Associaton of Synthetic Fibre Industry.
- Credit rating agency Crisil has assigned the highest safety rating of `AAA' to the Rs 500 crore non-convertible debenture issue of the company.
- Reliance Industries is set to take over the polyester business of JCT in a deal valued at Rs 492 crore.
- Reliance Industries Ltd was completing the Assam Gas Cracker Project within 44 months on finalisation of Gas Supply Agreement with Oil India Ltd and ONGC/GAIL, and the handing over possession of land at Lepetkota in Dibrugarh district.
- Reliance has formed a joint venture with Andhra Pradesh Technological Services to set up 7,500 Internet kiosks across Andhra Pradesh to provide electronic governance to rural areas.
- Reliance Industries as entered into a collaboration agreement with Nova Chemicals of Switzerland for the manufacture of high density polyethylene and develop new grades of polymers like film, pipe, blow moulded containers etc.
- Reliance has been awarded the entertainment centre property in Mumbai's upscale Bandra-Kurla commercial complex.
- Reliance holds a 30% interest in an unincorporated joint venture with Enron and ONGC, to develop the proven Panna, Mukta and Tapti (PMT) oil and gas fields. Enron has a 30% share and ONGC the balance 40% share.
- During FY 2000-01, Reliance was, in a 90:10 consortium with Niko Resources of Canada, awarded 12 new exploration blocks by the government through a process of competitive international bidding.
- Reliance Industries and RPG have envisaged interest in setting up a convergence network in industrial township of greater Noida.
- In April 2001, RIL successfully completed the first phase of a comprehensive restructuring plan for its textiles business located at Naroda, near Ahmedabad in the state of
- Fitch Ratings India Ltd. has assigned `Ind AAA' rating to the Rs 5,000-crore non-convertible debentures of the Company.
- Reliance Industries has acquired an equity stake in five of Tullow Oil's blocks in
- Reliance Industries has signed a memorandum of associatin with National Iranian oil and BP to undertake a $10 million easibility study to develop an LNG project in southern
- Reliance Industries has entered into an alliance with Bangalore-based Indus League for the manufacture of its sole branded garment, Reance.
- The Company has extended the share buyback programme for one more year as it has not bought back any shares during the current buyback period.
- Reliance Industries has raised its stake in Larsen & Tourbo from 0.38 percent to 2.87 percent.
- It has increased its stake in equity share capital of BSES, an electirc utility company, through open offer to 27%. Further it has announced the largest share buy back of Rs 1,100 crore at a maximum price of Rs 303 per share.
- Reliance Industries will invest Rs 1,500 crore ($300 million) in oil and gas exploration and production sector over the next three years.
- : Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) has been granted the Golden Super Star Trading House status by the Directorate-General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) in recognition of RIL's outstanding achievement in export. RIL is the first manufacturer-exporter to be given this status
- RIL has obtained ISO 9002 certification from BVQI for its Patalganga and Hazira complexes. RIL is the first private sector company in
- Reliance is the world's third largest producer of paraxylene (PX), and the world's fourth largest producer of PTA. Within the country, Reliance is the largest manufacturer of PX, PTA and MEG, with a marketshare of over 80%.
- Reliance is the largest producer of polymers in the country with a marketshare of 52%. Reliance has a capacity of nearly a million tonnes per year of polypropylene (PP), 400,000 tonnes per year of polyethylene (PE) and 300,000 tonnes per year of polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
-In Nov. 2001, Reliance Industries sold its just over 10% equity stake in Larsen & Toubro, the second largest player in the cement industry, to Grasim Industries for Rs 766.5 crore. The divestment of the L&T stake is in consonance with its declared objectives of unlocking value from its investments, in the interests of maximising overall shareholder value.
- In Jan. 2002, Reliance Petroinvestments has become a subsidiary of the company, while Reliance Life Insurance Company and Reliance General Insurance Company have ceased to be subsidiaries of the company.
- In March 2002, the Board approved the proposal for amalgamation of Reliance Petroleum Limited (RPL) with the Company. The proposed Scheme of Amalgamation provides that the amalgamation will take effect from the Appointed Date i.e. April 1, 2001. All assets,liabilities and obligations of RPL will vest in the company w.e.f from the said appointed date. One equity share of the company will be allotted for every eleven equity shares of RPL held.
- Shareholders of Reliance Petroleum Ltd on April 15 approved the merger of RPL with Reliance Industries Ltd at a meeting held in
- Reliance Industries acquires 26% state & management control in Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd. (IPCL) by paying Rs 1490.84 crore to Government of India.
- Discovers gas it its offshore exploration in
- Finds more gas in Block D6 in the deep waters of
- Shuts down the aromatics plant at
- Company's Hazira manufacturing unit gets IMC-Bajaj quality award 2002
- Discovers fourth gas in KG-basin
- Unveils two improved lines of acrylic fibres
- Anil Ambani appointed as BSES MD
- Reduces stake in BSES from 55% to 49.5% and BSES ceases to be subsidiary of the company due to the disinvestment
- Revises reserves of gas in
- Signs pact with Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) to create breakthrough technology in key areas from laboratory to commercial scale wherein the company will be offered the first right to the IPR (intellectual property right) for commercial development
- Ties up with DuPont Polyester Technologies (DPT) for the research and development (R&D) of the advanced polyester process and product technologies in
- Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) convert 24 million shares of the company into Global Depository Receipts (GDRs)
- Strikes substantial gas reserves in Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh
- Shifts corporate headquarters from Maker Tower IV, in Nariman Point to Reliance Centre in Bellard Pier
- Oil discovered in RIL's exploration block 9 in
- Global rating agency Moody's changes the outlook on debt securities of the company from negative to stable
- Incidence of leakage in the FCC section of the company's refinery at
-Anil Ambani, Vice Chairman & Manading Director, voted as MTV Youth Icon of the Year
-Initiated the work on deep-water exploration block, KG-D6, in the Krishna-Godavari basin off the Andhra Pradesh coast.
-RIL bags fourth slot among `Top 10' in Asiamoney's corporate governance poll on Asian companies in the energy sector. And joined the club of a select few Asian companies and is the only Indian private sector enterprise to find a place in the `Top 5' in the energy sector category
-Mukesh Ambani, chairman and managing director (CMD), donates $2 million to health programmes of the International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) and Red Crescent Societies
-Reliance exhorts NTPC Kayamkulam plant transplantation to
-Reliance occupies top slot in oil exports
-Munich Re throws away Reinsurance JV program with RIL
-Reliance Industries Associate signs MOU with National Organic Chemicals Industries Limited (NOCIL) fo taking over its petrochemicals & plastic products division
-IPCL picks up gas from Petronet LNG
-Reliance Industries Ltd has informed that FLAG Telecom on January 12, 2004 announced that the Company (FLAG Telecom) has amalgamated with Reliance Gateway
-Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) has increased the capacity of its
-Mukesh Ambani ranks 40th in the world business leaders
-Reliance join hands with Gail for Indo-Iran natural gas pipeline project
-Reliance Industries, country' largest private sector company, has surged ahead of global players after it posted a net profit of more than $1 billion in 2003-04.
-Reliance Industries Ltd has bagged a National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) order to supply 3 million tonnes of natural gas per annum for the latter's proposed 1300-MW power stations at Kawas and Gandhar in
-RIL chairman wins Asia Society Leadership award
-RIL, IOC inks deal for petro goods offtake
-Reliance Industries announced that it had acquired Trevira, a polyester company in
-RIL appoints Parthiv Patel as sports executive
-Reliance Industries takes over NIS Sparta
-Reliance join hands with Temasek for $200 mn Power Fund
-Reliance picks up Nasscom IT Excellence Award
-RIL gets `Petrochemicals Company of the Year' award for 2004
-RIL partners with Vivada for sale of diesel to fishing trawlers and boats
-Reliance Industries Ltd was awarded the `International Refiner of the Year' 2005 at the World Refining and Fuels Conference's awards ceremony held in
-Reliance Industries wins annual '2005 ASTD Best Award' from American Society for Training & Development
-Reliance Industries wins two National Energy Conservation awards
-Reliance Industries bags 'National Award for R&D Efforts in Industry - 2005'
-RIL inks MoU with HSIDC for establish multi-product SEZ
-Reliance Infocomm has joined hands with Vyjayanti Movies, the producers of 'Jai Chiranjeeva' featuring Tollywood megastar Chiranjeevi, Sameera Reddy and Bhumika Chawla.
-RIL inks marketing pact with Gulf Oil
-Reliance Industries has unveiled the much-talked about Reliance Fresh brand, the first format of the company's Rs 25,000-crore retail initiative, here on October 29.
-Reliance inks JV with
--Gail India Ltd and Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation in gas sector on March 15, 2007.
- Reliance Industries Ltd has appointed Dr. R A Mashelkar has been appointed as an Additional Director on the Company's Board.
-Reliance Industries Ltd has formed a $110 million joint-venture with Mammut Group of
-Reliance signs agreement to acquire assets in Malaysia Consolidating global polyester vision.
-RIL buys Malaysian based polyester firm.
-Reliance Industries Ltd has signed Technical Evaluation Agreement in 2005 which has been converted to Hydrocarbon Production and Exploitation Contracts with Agenda Nacional de Hydrocarburos (ANH) of
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